Anne Markus

Headshot Anne Markus, PhD, MHS, JD

Anne Markus

School: Milken Institute School of Public Health

For more information, click here

Titles: Professor and Chair, Department of Health Policy and Management

With GW since: 1993

Center Role: Co-Director, Policy Activities

Teaching: Maternal and Child Health Policy and Analysis (PubH 6561 in the Prevention and Community Health Department; PubH 6399 in the Health Policy and Management Department); PubH 6355 Comparative Health Policy; PubH 6012 Fundamental of Health Policy; PubH 8404 Doctoral Seminar on Health Systems and Health Policy Research

Research Interests: Health policy, particularly women’s preventive and maternal policy, child health policy, and Medicaid/CHIP policy; nonbinary and trans persons' health and well-being; translational and implementation research; health reform and comparative analysis, both domestic and international; social justice. 

Bragging Rights: I joined the anti-apartheid movement in the mid-to-late 80's, started law school when I was 17 years old, and learned to assimilate in a different culture from my own. (Not sure these are bragging rights, really.)

Hobbies/Personal Interests: Skiing, playing tennis, hiking, traveling, reading, cooking, getting more and more fascinated by American history as I keep revisiting it.

People Might Be Surprised to Know That: I was born and raised in Switzerland, but spent three years in San Francisco where I went to preschool and kindergarten. Promptly forgot English when we resettled first in Vevey (famous in the U.S. because of Charlie Chaplin and his family's residence there, now a museum worth visiting), then Lausanne (known for being the HQ for the International Olympic Committee, which also has a museum that is also worth visiting).