Welcome from the Center Director

Dear Prospective Students,
Current Students, and Alumni:


I am proud to present the accomplishments of our Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Education, Science, Practice, and Policy in this report. Leading our dynamic team of faculty and staff continues to be a profound privilege that fills me with immense gratitude. Together, we are honored to shape the future by nurturing the next generation of MCH scholars and practitioners.

Our Center’s commitment is deeply rooted in the education of local, national, and global public health professionals dedicated to enhancing the well-being of women, children, and families. This includes ensuring women's health before, during, and after pregnancy and addressing their comprehensive physical and mental health needs across their lifespans.

Each year, we eagerly welcome a new cohort of MCH students driven by a shared passion to learn and contribute in a field that is ever more crucial amidst the evolving challenges in maternal health. The joy and enthusiasm they bring reinvigorate our mission and reinforce our resolve. In any given year, our program has approximately 120 students enrolled across our multiple academic offerings, including the dual degree Physician Assistant/MPH & Bachelor of Science/MPH program; the one-year accelerated MPH program; the online concentration, Women, Youth, and Child Health (WYCH) in the MPH@GW program; and the school’s first EdX MicroMasters© in Maternal and Child Health. Additionally, under the direction of Dr. Karen McDonnell, the LEAP Training Program continues to bring diverse undergraduate students into the MCH field and has supported and trained 31 GW undergraduate students across three cohorts.

In the following pages, you will find a detailed account of our unwavering commitment to our  Center's four pillars: education, science, practice, and policy. We highlight specific initiatives and successes from the 2023-2024 year that exemplify our dedication to advancing these critical areas. Some of the initiatives I am most proud of include:

  •  In 2023, we launched the MCH Leadership Training Program. Through a competitive application process, 17 MCH, Epidemiology, and Health Policy students were selected to participate in this program.
  • Over the last three years, we have supported 11 faculty-led, student engaged research projects on youth mental health, South Asian-American women's health, maternal health in Washington D.C., gender--based violence, and healthcare workers’ burnout prevention.
  • We have formal partnerships with the health departments in our region, including the Maryland Department of Health, DC Health, and the Virginia Department of Health. In the last four years, we have awarded 18 Practice Fellowships to our MPH students to work in these health departments, directly contributing to the health and well-being of our community.
  • We have formal partnerships with five local community-based organizations, including Mamatoto Village, The Body Agency, Beacon House, The Women’s Collective, and Mary’s Center. We have awarded 38 Practice Fellowships to our MPH students who work in these organizations.
  • Our Center faculty in the Department of Health Policy successfully developed and implemented an interprofessional experience (IPE) workshop focused on MCH Policy/Advocacy (discussions of post-Dobbs scenarios in several U.S. States). This year’s IPE workshop included 46 students from among six programs/schools at GW.
  • Our GW MCH Student Network successfully developed and implemented 12 student-led events, ranging from professional development seminars to alumni panels. 

Our Center remains committed to fostering new collaborations and partnerships so we may expand our reach and deepen our impact on women, children, and families. Nothing could be more urgent or powerful. Please join us in our mission to educate 21st-century maternal and child health leaders.

Headshot Amita Vyas, PhD, MHS