Karen McDonnell

Karen McDonnell
School: Milken Institute School of Public Health
For more information, click here
With GW since: 2002
Center Role: Co-Director of the iMCH Lab
Teaching: PubH 6550 Maternal and Child Health I: Foundations, PubH 6501: Program Evaluation; PubH 4140W: Senior Seminar in Public Health
Research Interests: Gender-Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation, Program Implementation and Evaluation, MCH Research in Action
Bragging Rights: Working with the Congress and the Senate to design and draft the STOP FGM ACT of 2020, Excellence in Teaching Award, Milken Institute School of Public Health, ASPPH Early Career in Public Health Teaching Award, ASPPH Academy of Distinguished Teachers, Loretta P Lacey Academic Leadership Award from ATMCH
Hobbies/Personal Interests: Keeping up with 2 very active sons, running, skiing
People Might Be Surprised to Know That: I am a sucker for period dramas (such as Bridgerton) and Mystery-Crime Drama Series Podcasts