Katherine Cox


Katherine Cox

School: Milken Institute School of Public Health

Title: Current MCH Program Student 

With GW since: Fall 2023

Center Role: Student Project Assistant 

I Chose GW Because: I chose GW because I wanted to gain experience in the field of Maternal and Child Health in a diverse area that captures the health disparities that we see across the country. I also chose GW because of the Center of Excellence inclusion of Health Policy in their research. 

Bragging Rights: During my senior year in undergrad I completed an honors thesis entitled "Menstrual Health Information Seeking Behaviors During Menarche in College-Age Women." I got the opportunity to explore how my peers learned about their periods and discover the ways in which they sought information about the topic, and see how those behaviors carried over into young adulthood. 

Hobbies/Personal Interests: I enjoy listening to music, swimming, and visiting the many museums DC has to offer. 

People Might Be Surprised to Know That: I was a part of the second recruiting class of the Austin College Women's Water Polo program. I played for all four years of my undergrad. Go Roos!