Liz Borkowski

Liz Borkowski portrait

Liz Borkowski

School: Milken Institute School of Public Health

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Title: Senior Research Scientist, Department of Health Policy and Management; Managing Director, Jacobs Institute of Women's Health; Managing Editor, Women's Health Issues

With GW since: 2006

Center Role: Advisor and Coach for Research Writing Skills

Teaching: Guest lecturer in PubH 6550, Maternal and Child Health I: Foundations; PubH 6551, Maternal and Child Health II: Advanced MCH Research; PubH 6553, Adolescent Health; PubH 6555, Reproductive Health: US and Global Perspectives

 Research Interests: Sexual and reproductive health, scientific integrity

Hobbies/Personal Interests: Reading (especially mystery novels), brunching, swimming

People Might Be Surprised to Know That: Like Joe Biden, I'm a graduate of the University of Delaware.