Milken 25th Anniversary Event: Maternal and Child Health and Opportunities for Community Impact

Center faculty member Dr. Monica Ruiz led the development of a special event with our school’s Office of Applied Public Health and the Dean’s office that was held on December 14, 2022. The event was our school’s inaugural “Annual Community Partner Recognition and Award Ceremony.” Dr. Ruiz persuaded the planning team to feature the Center of Excellence and its many community partners as the subjects for this inaugural event. As such, GW Center Director Dr. Amita Vyas delivered opening remarks for the event, during which she described our MCH Center and shared her thoughts about connectivity with community partners and the meaningful practice experiences for students that result from effective outreach and continuity. GW Center Scholar Maria Wallace and MCH second-year student Alyssa Baer participated in a student panel during the event, in which she described her work with our Center and her individual Practicum experience with community partner The Body Agency. Awards were given to community partners, in recognition for not only what they do to improve public health, but also for the mentoring they provide to our students who do their Practicum experiences with these organizations. We are proud to say that of all community partners nominated for awards, the Grand Prize of recognition was awarded to long-time GW Center and MCH program partner, Mary’s Center.