Mikayla Mason


Mikayla Mason

School: Milken Institute School of Public Health

Title: Current MCH Program Student

With GW since: Fall 2024

Center Role: MCH Program Graduate Student Assistant

I Chose GW Because: I chose GW because of the amazing location and opportunities that came along with going to school right in downtown Washington, D.C.! I was excited to have the chance to live in a bigger city and have an incredible educational experience at the same time. After I spent time in Milken and met the staff and fellow students, GW felt like the perfect fit!

Bragging Rights: I worked as a Registered Nurse on a high-risk antepartum and postpartum unit for the last three years. This was the most rewarding and challenging experience and I am so grateful for chance to care for my patients and work with my fellow teammates. I learned so much about compassion and resilience (and humor!) and I learned a lot about myself along the way!

Hobbies/Personal Interests: I am on a mission to find the best for a chai latte in town and would love any recommendations!

People Might Be Surprised to Know That:  I spent a summer in Dublin during college!