Amita Vyas

Headshot Amita Vyas, PhD, MHS

Amita Vyas

School: Milken Institute School of Public Health

For more information, click here

With GW Since: 2004

Center Role: Director

Academic Advisor: Students in the MCH Program

Teaching: PubH 6501 Program Evaluation; PubH 6551 Maternal and Child Health II: Advanced Research; PubH 8432 Dissertation Proposal Development

Research Interests: Women's and adolescent health; reproductive health; gender attitudes, norms, and equity

Bragging Rights: GW Supervisor of the Year, 2019 (supervising/mentoring student employees); 2019 Northeast Region Student Supervisor of the Year, Northeast Association; 2012 Morton Bender Teaching Award, George Washington University

Hobbies/Personal Interests: Reading & Travelling; searching for a quiet place in my house to Zoom

People Might Be Surprised to Know That: Desmond Tutu asked me to read a passage from the Bible at his Sunday service in Cape Town South Africa.